Monday, March 30, 2020

Home Work Pack

Hi everyone,

Here is a Week 9 work package. It contains certain learning areas, the learning focus and activities down the right side. Please utilise this resource in conjunction with the resources provided by the Department of Education -

WORK PACKAGES – Term 1, Week 9
The following Work Package has been created to assist children at home with their learning.

I have also attached a document with ideas and activities for students to do at home. Have a go at doing one a day. These activities are great to do around the house/garden and provide learning in different ways.

An Activity a Day

Mr Honey has updated the Music blog and has provided activities for students to do. Click on the link to get to the Music blog. Music Blog

Also, remember to give children time to read for at least 30 minutes a day. This is very important.

I hope everyone is keeping safe and enjoying their time indoors!

Miss Dowling

Friday, March 27, 2020

Learning from home

In the wake of recent events, the Education Department has set up an online site called ‘Learning at Home,’ for those at home during these times. Resources are available across all year levels and many learning areas. Please find the link on the Wattle Grove Blog.  

In addition, we encourage all children to log on to Literacy Pro Library, where you will find a number of books available for you to read. We will be checking Literacy Pro daily to see who is still reading and completing quizzes. 

Study Ladder – We have set up a Study Ladder account for you all. Usernames and Passwords have been created for you. Once you have logged in, click on the ‘My Individual Program’ link, where you will find a number of set tasks.  

Typing Club – You will find a link to Typing Club on the Wattle Grove Blog. Try to spend 15 minutes each day practising typing. Touch typing, while difficult to learn, is a very valuable skill. 

Writing Activities – We encourage you all to write for an extended period of time at least once or twice a week. You may choose to write a narrative or persuasive text. Remember to plan your text before you write, and edit and up level when you have finished. Ask a member of your family to read your text and give you feedback. Pobble365 is a fantastic website to help with your narrative writing. Try to focus on your figurative language.  

Times Tables – Keep practising your times tables and challenge others at your house! 

Check in regularly at the WGPS blog. There are a lot of links that will direct you to a number of educational sites.  

Remember – wash your hands, distance yourself from others and stay home as much as you can.  
Look after yourself, and each other. At Wattle Grove Primary School and as a broader community, we are all in this together. 

Kind regards,

Miss Dowling

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Learning at Home

The Education Department has set up an online site called 'Learning at Home'. Resources are available across all Year Levels and Learning Areas to allow students to continue their learning, if at home during these times. Click on the link below to access this site:

Useful websites for online resources:

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Talk Homework Update

Attention students & parents,

Talk homework this week has been changed. We will be focussing on writing a persuasive argument and the following the correct structure. The topic is: Should junk food be banned in school?

Kind regards,

Miss Dowling 

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Merit Award Winners

I would like to say a big πŸ’₯ 'CONGRATULATIONS' πŸ’₯to all the award winners in Room 13. You are all making a great start to 2020 and should be very proud of yourselves, I know I am super proud of you! 😊

- Miss Dowling